Do Something Loving For Yourself!

After finishing Step Five my sponsor suggested I do something special for myself. It sounded like a good idea but I didn't really think it applied to me. I mean, I'm not one of those moms who totally ignores herself. I buy myself new shoes if I want them. I eat cheesecake occasionally. I get more time to myself and more help from my husband than most moms I know. I do alright.

About a week later my sponsor brought it up again. "Have you done anything for yourself yet?" Um, well no. This time I really considered the suggestion. What does it mean to do something for myself? Forget the cheesecake and shoes; I want to feed my spirit. What things do I love to do that I haven't done in ages? I could visit an art gallery or go to the ballet. I could take a yoga class. Heck, I could even take myself to the movies. There's a great, little cinema downtown that plays indie flicks. Then it struck me. A massage! I haven't had a massage in years -since before kids. It's quite an extravagant treat for a low-income mom, but boy am I ready for it. When I think of how easily $60 slipped through my hands while I was active in my addiction... I could have had several massages each week!

So this week I am celebrating my success. I'm giving myself a pat on the back -literally! I'm not perfect but I've come a long way baby. Recovery need not be about a depressing list of have-nots or the endless to-dos of new found responsibility. It's about filling our cup with the good stuff: healthy, vibrant, creative, joyous, intimate and simple pleasures. Sometimes I need to remember that.

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